Takkure Core Box
Takkure is a metal miniature board game with the rules of rugby, in a cyberpunk future. Illustrated by Kazu, created by RamPer Design and edited by Zenit miniatures.
Takkure is the evolution of XXI century rugby. A sport adapted to the scarce space in the megacities: quick, fast paced, violent… where the players are media stars, adored as heroes.
Dare to enter the Takkure universe.
This box contains:
- 4 Yamato figures and their cards
- 4 Teriomorph figures and their cards
- Play cards deck: 13 generic for each team, 8 for Yamato and 8 for Teriomorph
- Play field
- 2x Trainer boards
- Playtime board
- 6x 12-sided dice (D12) 3 red and 3 yellow
- Tokens
- Rulers and scatter template